
Sunday, December 1, 2019

AHPC X (1) - Preparation

It's that time of year again. Last year I set the (rather lofty) goal of 1000 Points and fell short by about 300. This year however, I'm setting the same goal but beginning the challenge with a plan.
For anyone who isn't familiar with the challenge all the rules can be found HERE.

In short though, each winter a bunch of wargame bloggers get together and pledge a goal to paint over the course of winter. The points per model vary based on scale and subject matter but for reference a standard 28mm foot figure will net you 5 points. In addition to the pledges and painting there are also side duels and themed challenges to earn extra points or show off.

I did the challenge for the first time last year and absolutely loved it. I haven't kept perfect track of it but I believe I've painted more since the challenge began last year than I had in the last five years. Last year saw me complete a Blood and Plunder Native force, an Uruk-Hai raiding party, and a little under 1000 points of Gloomspite Gitz for AoS among other odds and ends. 

Last year, show season kicked off in the middle of the challenge with me going to 3 local shows before the challenge ended. I think I took for granted how busy that would make me and as a result I didn't shift the days I painted those weeks and my output really suffered. The other issue was that, having never participated before, I had no idea what to expect. Models I thought I'd crack out took longer than expected and I received bonus points where I didn't know I could get them. This year I have more of a plan of attack to accomplish my 1000 point goal.

Look at how fancy I've gotten
Above is a spreadsheet detailing my Punic Wars project. At Fall-in This year I purchased another pile of figures from Old Glory to complete this project (and start it) leaving me with one bag of just about everything they make for the era (and then some)
Finishing this list may require a couple orders to some over seas companies like Pendraken for the odds and ends I'm missing but in theory this is achievable. With the horses this project should come out to 701 points and will put a real dent in my goal.

After the Punic Wars (or more likely alongside) Ill be shifting my attention to skirmish forces for a couple games I'd like to try in 2020. In particular, This is Not a Test and Necromunda. I recently took an order of Lead Adventure STALKER types as well as the new Dark Uprising box and hope to crack out the figures as part of the challenge.

If I've done the math correctly that should leave me sitting around 150 points left to complete the challenge which I plan to fill as I get inspired throughout the winter. As mentioned I've started Imperial Fists and more recently Sisters of Battle so perhaps a model here and there will contribute to my total. There's also the matter of terrain for 40k and Necromunda but more on that in a later post.

Either way, wish me luck.

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