
Sunday, December 8, 2019

3D Printed Zone Mortalis (1)

I've mentioned in passing a few times now that I've bought into the latest version of Necromunda. I have a few of the books, a Cawdor gang and the Dark Uprising box. Though everything is still very WIP I stumbled across the Forgeworld Zone Mortalis Boards and found some updated 8th edition 40k rules for using them. Part of the plan with the Imperial Fists was to play smaller skirmishes and kill team type games with a ZM Board. Between the board itself and the terrain provided in Dark Uprising I've begun 3d printing the board found HERE
Example taken from the Thingiverse page

 Here's where I'm at so far. You get the idea here, and can see the growing stack of base tiles in the background. The printer is running near constantly when I'm home now. For reference, a 6inch tile takes 4 hours 20 minutes to print. These corner wall sections are currently taking 8 and a half.

Still to print are more walls, accessories, detail bits, doors, etc. There are also damaged versions of a lot of the parts so I may experiment with some damaged sections.

Because of the print time and the fact that I have the Dark Uprising terrain, I've been thinking I may experiment with a few more "Open" sections. 

Cost wise the material is much cheaper than purchasing the resin boards (if they were available) but time wise it's a wash. The tiles will still need to be painted and mounted to something for support.

As of right now the printer is "down for maintence" so to speak so I figured I'd post what I had so far while I get it up and running again. The short term plan is to glue these down to some hardboard for stability and then start painting Necromunda figures and the Dark Uprising Terrain to fill it out for now.

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