
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Imperial Fists (1)

For one reason or another I find myself bit by the 40k Bug again. When I got into wargaming fresh out of high school the first game I really got into was 40k. I started with Ultramarines as one does and found that although I enjoyed the game, I didn't really have people to play with because of the costs. This led our group to try Malifaux and eventually Historical Gaming and the rest is history.

While I was at Fall-In this year a friend of mine ran a Badab War game using a modified version of the Betrayal at Calth Board Game GW put out a few years ago. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I hadn't written off 40k by any means but between AOS and the various indie and historical games I play it wasn't high on my radar. Once the seeds had been planted with that game and several discussions with several friends I decided to take the plunge.

The first figure I painted was a Terminator Captain. This was part of the Start Collecting: Space Marines Box. I decided to go with Imperial Fists pretty much solely based on looks. I wanted the challenge of painting yellow and thought they would look sharp on a tabletop.

There's no concrete plan with this force so far (Never a good start). I'm simply painting and collecting models I like and building an army I like the look of. So far this is the only figure I have finished but as of posting this there's a tactical squad awaiting primer. I also picked up a dreadnought and a librarian as well as Tor Garadon.

Like anyone will tell you yellow is a tricky color to paint. I'm very happy with how this came out although the finish is just a tiny bit more matt than id like it. 2 boxes of snap-marines sacrificed their lives for this yellow so I hope it does it justice. I tried both the Army Painter and Vallejo spray primers but found them just too bright. The process was actually pretty simple once I figured it out and uses all available products but does require an airbrush.
Prime with Stynylres White
Basecoat with Averland Sunset Airbrush Paint
Layer on Yriel Yellow with the airbrush
Wash just the recesses with Contrast Gulliman Flesh
Paint the details

Pardon the terrible photo. You can see there were several attempts.

Here are some photos from the above Badab War game. You can see more awesome photos of the terrain over on Keith's Instagram.

So there you have the first of my new 40k army. There isn't a real plan yet but there's talk of playing some Necromunda and Zone Mortalis games (more on that in the future) so I'm mostly focusing on smaller units instead of vehicles to start but like I said, I'm mostly just hobbying to hobby as opposed to a specific force or game with these guys. 

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