Checking in for the end of January
Shame Golf -
Nice and easy so far. Im up to positive 13 points. I purchased Spectre Mythic and painted Master Chief for Flashpoint
Hobby Goals -
So far, not a ton of progress. I'm a hair over halfway on a cabinet piece, the McDevitt Chibi Doom Figure purchased at Wonderfest who knows how long ago. I was showing a friend Marvel United and debating whether or not im going to start painting my collection when I remembered I might have something that would scratch a similar itch. 3 somethings actually. I have Doom, Hulk and Black Panther from this series. Base coats and the base are mostly done, on to highlights and shading. The biggest roadblock on this is just that its awkward to handle.
I have been doing good on the board game related challenges but more on that in a bit.
We managed to play a game of Trench Crusade (I enjoy it quite a bit and am looking forward to more) and I have most of my starter list at least base coated with a few figures just waiting for basing.
I've somewhat cemented a more scheduled plan for the year to get in some more regular gaming so hopefully that will help.
On the non hobby side, I've already read 2 books and am halfway through a third. Perhaps 5 books was a low bar.
Alphabet Challenge -
Alphabet Challenge is going fantastic.
Avant Carde
Bloc by Bloc
Cat in a Box
Hoplomachus Victorum
In the Footsteps of Darwin
Lords of Vegas
Moving Wild
River Valley Glass Works
Whirling Witchcraft
Percent of unplayed games -
I am ecstatic to announce that I have finally crossed the 40% Threshold and am sitting at 39.87 percent unplayed as of this post. This was from what I can tell mostly due to adding expansions in this month. We played 2 Marvel United expansions as well as expansions for Arcs, River Valley, Cubitos and Lords of Vegas.
Total Games Played -
This is also going well. 29 Games so far for January with one or two more planned hopefully. At this rate it should be no problem at all to get in the 372 I am shooting for.
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