I've mentioned this a few times before but I've been struggling hard to get motivated through the quarantine. I've found it incredibly difficult to get the motivation necessary to shake the ever looming feeling of "sure, wargame figures are neat but what's the point if I'll never see anyone again." In the span of the quarantine, I've found myself motivated by exactly 3 things. Finally getting my High Elves Playable, a new fantasy skirmish game that's in the works, and 3D Printing Patreons. I'm gonna do some sort of write up on the other two motivators at some point down the road but for now my focus is on high elves.
I do this a lot if you haven't noticed, where I plan out a project and almost immediately lose steam. This is a project that I've been trying to accomplish for a long time. When I first got into Age of Sigmar, I had some left over High Elf stuff from my warhammer fantasy days, all unpainted of course. I slowly aquirred bits here and there through trades and ebay. I'm sure if I took the time to sort it all and point it out it'd be in the realm of 3000 to 4000 points but almost the whole lot is no longer usable in Age of Sigmar.
With the Arrival of Cities of Sigmar, a lot of the models I fell in love with dissapeared. I was a little bitter frankly, but more importantly the motivation was lost. Most of the project was shelved and I set my sites on other forces.
Heres the new project all laid out. Using the Cities of Sigmar book I've made a 1000 point list, that uses all High Elf models as proxies.
Here's the list generated from the warscroll builder
Allegiance: Order
Cogsmith (60)
Battlemage (90)
Freeguild General (100)
- General
Battlemage (90)
10 x Freeguild Greatswords (160)
10 x Freeguild Greatswords (160)
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)
Helblaster Volley Gun (120)
Helblaster Volley Gun (120)
Total: 1000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 64
The plan model wise is somewhat self explanatory, with the mage and Loremaster being Battlemages. The only model not pictured is the High Elf Banner Bearer who will act as the Cogsmith, rallying the two Volley guns in the form of Elf Balistas. The General will be the Leader from the Skycutter kit and the Pistoliers are going to be Reavers.
Its a 35 model force all told and frankly I dont think it matters to me if it ever sees the table. I haven't played aos in months anyway but I've always had a soft spot for these models. With the other fantasy game in the works, I thought it made some sense to get some elf models ready anyway so here we are.
So the plan.
The Lore master is painted but not based. The banner/cogsmith is completely finished.
The Swordmasters on the left are about 70% done, everything else is grey.
The plan as it stands now, is to get the whole army assembled, glued to bases and then painted. I'll do all the basing at the end. I figure in addition to games like Age of Sigmar, this will give me a good start for Oathmark if my copy ever arrives, as well as some models for a skirmish game.
Wish me luck
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