
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Checking in from Quarantine

I'll admit I'm having some difficulty adjusting to the quarantine times and my actual hobby time has been a little sparse to say the least. It's been hard to paint wargame stuff when I'm not sure I'll get to use it again. With that in mind, I've shifted my focus over to finishing my Sisters of Battle in time for Stellacon. I painted this one during one of hour TrenchRunner Google Hangout Sessions.
This is the new Sisters of Battle Imagifier. I tried out contrast paints on the "statue" but probably could have achieved the same effect with a sepia wash or thinned out Iraqui sand. Can you tell I've been working on my Photo Booth?

Unfortunately that has been the only figure I've finished. We've been passing a lot of the time with Pandemic Legacy. For people not familiar with Pandemic, it's a co-op boardgame about dashing around the world and curing diseases. Players take actions each turn to treat diseases, move, or research the cure. Legacy cranks all this up to 11 by adding a campaign of sorts where actions in one game can affect the next. In legacy, you add stickers to the board and cards, tear things up and even open secret boxes that change the way the game works. It's all very exciting for someone who loves game design to see how it all comes together. I wont spoil anything else but if you're a fan of the original it is definitely worth checking out.

Finally I've been taking some stock on where I really want to go next. I had a big grand ambition to paint my game of thrones stuff but its been hard to be motivated to paint it right now with my regular gaming partner isolating. I recently interview Robey Jenkins about Horizon Wars: Zero Dark and I think I may try some solo Sci-fi gaming. Oathmarks caught my eye and I may give that a shot. All in all things will be scattered while I try and sort through finding my motivation


  1. Sister looks good bro. Your probably right about the wash, but what you achieved with contrasts looks good as well.

    Hang in there fellow hobbyist, the sun will shine on us again some day. I am having good days and bads, but as long as I have two feet on the ground and a paint brush in hand, it could be a lot worse (let's hope we don't see the a lot worse).


    1. Yeah. I'm beyond grateful to still have my health and job and admittedly I was able to find a burst of inspiration last night and will be posting the next project pretty soon.

      How are things over in your neck of the woods?
